You reap what you sow: Newsletter 8th April 2024

innerwork meditation reflection Apr 11, 2024
eclipse, nature

Hello special one,

It would be rude of me to not speak about the impending eclipse today, not everyone will see it, but you will feel it!

Whilst I don’t subscribe to unsolicited hype of any means. I do subscribe to living life in ceremony. To pay attention and make effective action to create the lives we want to live so that we can see, feel, touch the beauty and the grace. There are periods that grant us opportunities to really move the needle in our lives, whatever way you specifically feel called (family life, relationships, career, investments, home, health, education etc. etc.) You are given, an opening to reassess and re-navigate this week.

So please carve out some alone time today to get honest with yourself… or in the following days… there may be unexpected events that invite you to connect with self limiting beliefs about yourself.

For the next few weeks we are very much in this “pioneering/ warrior like go-getter energy” The symbol of ACTION.

Aries & Chiron

  • Where do you need to be more proactive in your life?

  • Are there any seeds of potential that have been lying dormant within you?

    And what actions can you take to bring to life, during this power cycle period?

  • How can you use your own knowledge gained through your own traumas and wounds/triggers and turn that outwardly into some role or help to be for the benefit of others? So that a healing action can occur during this time.

  • If you do find yourself being reactive or triggered where you act from fear, anger, rage or grief. Instead how can you act from this more empowered state, of how can you use this for good.

Mars-Saturn conjunction:

Is it time for you to rise to a challenge?

These planets don't like procrastination. Mars is always moving forward charging into battle, Saturn too, is about getting things done - things that we're delaying. Saturn represents the capacity of things that we don't like doing.

It's the cosmic paycheque - I reap what I sow = Saturn.

These planets are in Pisces - which brings the archetype of the Spiritual Warrior.

  • Is there a challenge or obstacle that you’ve been avoiding? And do you have the courage to confront it now? So that you can emerge stronger?

  • What skills and resources do you need to develop to navigate any difficult decisions that prevent you from being in a state of focus and flow?

    Ie when adversity comes... can you remain in the flow state? Or the meditative state (not wounded warrior reactivity) But rather from this higher level of consciousness of the spiritual warrior, no matter what challenges come to you. You can enter into that flow state…

What a beautiful evolutionary intention to set for yourself as the compass of the new astrological year! I’d love to hear any revelations, please reply and share :) .

Lastly, a practice dear to my heart that has transformed my health over the past 15 years. My Spring cleanse starts Monday 22nd April!

We have more knowledge of what potions to smooth the lines on our faces, and quick fixes to mask our unhappiness. Than we do knowledge of the most important anatomy of our bodys. Our reproductive system and GUT.

One of the biggest concerns impacting our health - Affecting our energy, sleep, and hormones are environmental toxins. Its so critical to remove these endocrine disruptors from our system as women are more susceptible. Men have 10x as much Testosterone, which is more protective to these hormonal disruptors. So I’ll dive deep into this with easy strategies over the 2 weeks!

Learn more here. Please reply, with any questions you have or set up a call with me here.


Blog image: This shot of the start of the solar eclipse in Heber Springs, Arkansas, was taken by one of the authors of this story. Credit: Sumeet Kulkarni/Nature