My mission is to inspire you to live your greatest potential.


Download my free guide: Five Days To Energy

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Are you looking to overhaul your health to reach your full potential?

Learn how to sharpen your brain, strengthen your body, reverse the signs of aging and nourish yourself


Learn About What I Do

My mission is to inspire you to live your greatest potential.


Download My Free Energy Reset Guide: Five Days To Energy

Download Now


Are you looking to overhaul your health to reach your full potential?

Learn how to sharpen your brain, strengthen your body, reverse the signs of aging and nourish yourself


Learn About What I Do

In a short amount of time I can help you...

  • Improve concentration & mental that you can perform better & reach your career & financial goals 
  • Decrease bloating & gut health check. So that you're energised,  absorbing your nutrients & pain free 
  • Decrease food and sugar cravings, so that our mind doesn't control us.
  • Sleep better!
  • Prevent aging and have clearer skin, so you can truly radiate
  • Have greater confidence, so that no matter what is happening you will move through your life fearlessly. 
The journey to health is not one path, each person has an individual pathway. I can't wait to connect with you on your journey.
Book a 15 min call to find out more

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Hi, I'm
Natalie Smyth

I’ll show you how to connect a healthy body, mind, and soul so you can live a balanced life.I'm professionally trained Bsc Health Science, Naturopath (NNA) & Yoga Therapist (300 YT) with 10 years clinical, retreat and corporate events experience.

I intertwine Functional Medicine, coaching, mindfulness, and yoga philosophy into my teachings. Through 1:1 consultations, corporate performance programs, global retreats and events.

My passion and mission is to inspire you to achieve your greatest living potential through Nutrition, Movement, and Mindset.

We can defy the aging process. We can be limitless and we can be whole.

I'm truly excited to welcome you into my space to guide you on the greatest journey you'll ever have to radically transform your life.

Find out more about my ‘Yoga Journey’, and let me help you make that change today!

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Anna Moran

"I’ve been lucky to be a part of Natalie’s womens circles and also to have had a fantastic nutrition consultation. Natalie is deeply knowledgeable, passionate about her work and takes a really holistic approach. She is talented at holding spaces and always makes you feel relaxed and safe. I would recommend any of her services!"

Edward Olver

"Natalie is a deeply wise practitioner, who has a very balanced approach to listening to her clients needs and helping them navigate the travails of modern life. I thoroughly recommend her embodied approach and her understanding of nutrition and naturopathy."

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